Well placed words of encouragement
Often times, people in the early stages of pursuing their dreams are met with a lot of rejection, a lot of criticism, and even people outright laughing at them for thinking they can become someone who in their heart they know they already are. It's difficult to stay motivated in the face of little proof that you can do it! Always encourage people at this stage. Even if they're nowhere near pros or experts at this point, their talent and love for what they're doing, combined with a whole lot of practice, will make them become truly amazing. They just need to stay on that path.
Once someone has already become successful at their dream, they do receive a lot of appreciation. Think of actors or musicians who couldn't get a job no matter how much they tried, then got a "big break" and suddenly everyone says they love them and want their autograph. How strange! They may at times seem a little cold to this wonderful appreciation, but you have to wonder if in their minds they're thinking, "Where were you all when I really needed a boost?"
At the point of success, people most often already have 100% (or close to it) faith that they are good and talented and that people will love their work. So it's not really needed, although it's given in mass.
If you're just starting out pursuing your dream, just know in the face of any criticism that no matter what, if you love what you're doing, then it is 100%, for sure, without a doubt what you should be doing. Ignore anyone who scoffs at you. Don't let them get to you. Just keep doing what you're doing and eventually you will succeed. Even if it's not worldwide, global, huge success, so what...if you're doing what you love to do and are able to support yourself either doing it or while doing it, then you've already won.
By Doe Zantamata
I will relay this to a friend in need. In my words. Thanks